Page name: everyone should die [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-12-21 03:54:46
Last author: greekgirlfriend
Owner: greekgirlfriend
# of watchers: 12
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everyone should die


this is not a banner/badge


this is not a banner/badge


this is not a banner/badge


Banner   created by [mbdf_virus]

Everyone hates and wants to kill someone else. It could be a particular person or a whole group. Heres a wiki for those people who want someone to get hit by a really big bus in the next few minutes. ^_^ It would be a better place if most of the world's population sudenly dies ^_^.
Im such a loving person arn't I ^_^
- [greekgirlfriend] -


we need more badges/banners

We need more badges so if you can draw more than a stick figure than draw us a badge. But you have to run it by either [Lady Wolf 07] or [greekgirlfriend] first for approval so stick it in everyone should die banners and notify us. Thanks to [mbdf_virus] and [Mania Rage] we have greatlooking banners that everyone should enjoy



people who should live aka members ^_^ this has no password on it so feel free to add your name and put a banner in you house ..... I am sorry to inform you but due to unforseen - rather child events - you will have to email me if you want to join this wiki. Don't worry, everyone who tells me they want to join will be added.


the list

peolpe who should die this is where you can list all the people that need to get hit by a really big bus really soon aka people who should die ^_^ ..... quikly



eveyone should die gallary - put any of your art work no matter what it is and i dont care if it is gory but i rather not have any porn but if you have to put it up then put it up


torcher chamber

everyone should die torcher chamber - here you can share your plans on how to kill someone ..... there are no restrictions and if you want to put a pic to ilistraight your story then put it in the gallary and say that is goes to your story



everyone should die stories ..... here you can post poems, short stories, even creepy dreams you have had

Username (or number or email):


2004-06-10 [greekgirlfriend]: Hello ^_^

2004-06-11 [Melkor]: Michael Jacksons Eskimo lover should DIE!

2004-06-11 [Melkor]: ...and British people >.<

2004-06-11 [Melkor]: *Runs around the Wiki NEKED!!!* Heheh I have no regrets

2004-06-11 [greekgirlfriend]: lmao ^_^ - what ever floats your boat

2004-06-12 [amyleewolf14]: *growls* whats wrong with british ppl? lol... um yeah... beware of the sbs....

2004-06-12 [amyleewolf14]: ^.^ sorry shaun... i can't help myself... it's funny...

2004-06-13 [Melkor]: What isn't wrong with British people? diiiiiiiiie scum.... sub-human scum

2004-06-13 [amyleewolf14]: *gasp*... do u not like eddie izzard and harry potter junk? *gasp* i am not scum sbs...

2004-06-14 [SuicidalFire]: I hate people who ship H/Hr, D/H, D/Hr, and any other unnatural thing like that. They should die.

2004-06-14 [greekgirlfriend]: should i have a password on the members page or not

2004-06-14 [SuicidalFire]: It says you have a password on the thing period. I say sure, but let some of us know it.....

2004-06-15 [amyleewolf14]: *ta da*.... *cough* sry bout that... i shall agree to w/e my eca commands me to, unless really extreme... like jumping off the empire state building, cuz um yeah, i have this fear of heights so u wont even get me near there, much less jump off it... but anyways!!! ah yes, the password.... what shall we do? *sry, i'm REALLY bored and hyper*

2004-06-15 [greekgirlfriend]: Courtnie nowes the password - if i take it off do you think that people would join or does it matter

2004-06-15 [amyleewolf14]: Dunno George... and yes ur name is George so don't argue! lol... yeah, I know the password and so does the Eca... but I dunno....

2004-06-15 [Melkor]: I know the password!

2004-06-15 [greekgirlfriend]: then what is it smarty pants

2004-06-16 [amyleewolf14]: no u don't sbs so stop sayin that....

2004-06-16 [amyleewolf14]: it's alive!!! for now anyways... we officially have 2 banners... and as i say again... for now... i dunno if they'll disappear....

2004-06-16 [amyleewolf14]: if they do, then the problem has arroused again.... the problem of you have to click somewhere else in the wiki and then go back to this page...

2004-06-16 [greekgirlfriend]: LOVE U COURTNIE - thanks for the prittyness that is the banners ^_^

2004-06-16 [greekgirlfriend]: trial and error - i took off the password to the sirvivore to c i people will join that way - if there is no chage then back to the password

2004-06-17 [amyleewolf14]: LOVE U TOO ECA! whats my prezzy? lol... oh and np... it was fun...

2004-06-17 [amyleewolf14]: It sux that you can't read the tombstone on the first banner tho... it was great... *sniffle sniffle*....

2004-06-17 [amyleewolf14]: hey ppls who never come in here anymore... eca's here!! she's at my house....

2004-06-18 [greekgirlfriend]: ^_^ me no leave

2004-06-23 [greekgirlfriend]: me left Courtnies house waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah *sniffly sniffly*

2004-06-24 [amyleewolf14]: ello mate... uh... sortaish.... ri-ight... and yes u did leave... then i went to ur house and irritated the bro (aka hairy monkey that lives down the hall) and it was funses...

2004-06-24 [amyleewolf14]: have u noticed we're the only ppls who comment?...... ever?.......

2004-06-25 [greekgirlfriend]: i no -- thats b/c everyone else is a meanyhead that needs a brain cell to keep the one they have company ^_^ im so loving arnt i

2004-06-28 [amyleewolf14]: wow.... that was harsh... *sheds a tear* i'm so proud of u! *gigantic hug*..... *u mumble something about u cant breathe* yes! i know! but im so proud!

2004-06-28 [amyleewolf14]: lmao...

2004-06-28 [greekgirlfriend]: i got it off of Dave the Barbarian ^_^ and you said it was a dum show

2004-06-28 [amyleewolf14]: *bah*

2004-06-28 [amyleewolf14]: i hate that show... its weird... out of all the shows u watch i think i only like inuyasha....

2004-06-28 [greekgirlfriend]: IT WAS ON 2 NIGHT AGO EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK me happy ^_^ 4 more episodes till Sesshoumaru

2004-06-28 [amyleewolf14]: oy... and to think b4 u couldnt pronounce his name... me like semi-shirtless piccie tho.... oh yeah... *stares at piccie*.... yeah me definetly like....

2004-06-28 [greekgirlfriend]: but we have to wait a month till we get to see him on the show

2004-06-28 [amyleewolf14]: grrs... call me the day b4 he comes on.. or the day he comes on... w/e...

2004-06-28 [greekgirlfriend]: in 4 episodes aka 1 month

2004-06-28 [amyleewolf14]: well.... i'll forget then... so remind me later...

2004-06-29 [from autumn to ashes]: i feel... unimportant... lol jk

2004-06-30 [amyleewolf14]: oyness!

2004-06-30 [greekgirlfriend]: hey people ... our everyone who should die page has been deleted ... if you no y please tell us ... we are tied between a guard deleting it or it getting deleted b/c of the crash ... what do you think

2004-06-30 [amyleewolf14]: everyone meet jess! lol... *everyone chants together like in findin nemo with bruce at the meeting of sharks* hello jess...

2004-06-30 [amyleewolf14]: yes... i'm the one who discovered this...

2004-06-30 [amyleewolf14]: if you have any information on what happened to our beloved page, please contact [greekgirlfriend] or myself... it is much appreciated... now to go ask the guards....

2004-06-30 [from autumn to ashes]: lotta good it did me to join! lol jk.

2004-06-30 [from autumn to ashes]: well... uh, i dont think i have ever eaten a fish

2004-06-30 [amyleewolf14]: grrr.... lol... it's fun to just chill out in here... wish shaun would come in tho... *sighs* i actually miss the dude... who knew?! lol... j/k...

2004-06-30 [amyleewolf14]: *gasp* right on ya mate!

2004-06-30 [amyleewolf14]: *cries out gleefully* your an inspiration to us all!

2004-07-01 [greekgirlfriend]: you both should get shoot

2004-07-01 [amyleewolf14]: what? r u like chris and have issues with talking fish?

2004-07-02 [greekgirlfriend]: no i like talking fish ... but the way you too are going on it remines me of two prepy school girls .... its starting to freek me out

2004-07-02 [amyleewolf14]: *gasp* how could u say that about ur sister?? u should b shot... die... lol... j/k... *huggles* um... yeah tho... me and jess are far from preps... *shoots at all preps who enter here*...

2004-07-02 [greekgirlfriend]: ooooooooooooooooook ... then stop acting like one

2004-07-02 [amyleewolf14]: *growls*

2004-07-02 [amyleewolf14]: *lunges at you and slashes your arm with nails (that are non-existent but whatever)*

2004-07-02 [greekgirlfriend]: *confused but happy* that felt good

2004-07-02 [greekgirlfriend]: *lunges back with existing claws*

2004-07-02 [amyleewolf14]: mommy!!!!

2004-07-02 [amyleewolf14]: wait... nevermind... *growls* *hisses and shows fangs*

2004-07-02 [amyleewolf14]: dont fuck with a vamp....

2004-07-02 [amyleewolf14]: *lunges and pins you down*

2004-07-02 [greekgirlfriend]: im a vamp too u no ... *hisses and shows fangs*

2004-07-02 [amyleewolf14]: bah! u a vampy? i think not... *bites ur shoulder*

2004-07-02 [greekgirlfriend]: *growls and bits back*

2004-07-02 [amyleewolf14]: owwww.... that hurt buttmunch... *slaps you across the face*...

2004-07-02 [greekgirlfriend]: *grins and keeps drinking* mmmmmm

2004-07-02 [amyleewolf14]: *growls and pushes you off me* damnit quit it... im not ur food source!

2004-07-02 [amyleewolf14]: *slashes ur face with nails and flys backwards to other side of room*

2004-07-02 [greekgirlfriend]: *runes and grabes arm slashing face with claws*

2004-07-02 [amyleewolf14]: *kicks u in the chest and watches u sail to other side of room* *leaves*

2004-07-02 [greekgirlfriend]: *followes and ketches up*

2004-07-02 [amyleewolf14]: cant u take a hint?! go away! *laughs and continues my stride down hallway*

2004-07-02 [greekgirlfriend]: no i cant ... ill never go away ... *chases after*

2004-07-02 [amyleewolf14]: whatever... *continues to walk, ignoring u*

2004-07-02 [greekgirlfriend]: *chases after* dont w/e me missy

2004-07-02 [amyleewolf14]: i already did...

2004-07-02 [greekgirlfriend]: so

2004-07-03 [amyleewolf14]: bah...

2004-07-03 [greekgirlfriend]: hello lil sheep

2004-07-03 [amyleewolf14]: huh? its not baa genius its bah... as in bah humbug... bah... idiot....

2004-07-03 [greekgirlfriend]: there so cute ... look at the lil sheep go

2004-07-06 [greekgirlfriend]: HELLO IS ANYONE ALIVE IN HERE

2004-07-07 [amyleewolf14]: weirdo.... i toldja its not baa.... im not a sheep.... jeez.... *growls*

2004-07-07 [amyleewolf14]: *growls* who are ya and whatta ya want?..... oh tis you.... *growls and goes back to sleep*

2004-07-07 [greekgirlfriend]: at least i no one person is alive

2004-07-07 [amyleewolf14]: *sleeping*

2004-07-07 [greekgirlfriend]: ooooooook

2004-07-08 [greekgirlfriend]: ok ..... i no that the link to the gallary is spelled wrong but if you chang it then that will bring you to a different page ..... im am asking if i should correct the spelling and move everything to the correct spelling site or leave as is ...... if i change it then all the comments will not be moved ..... what do you think

2004-07-09 [amyleewolf14]: i guess u should just leave it like it is.... even tho u really REALLY should learn how to spell......

2004-07-09 [greekgirlfriend]: sorry but i was typing fast and really didnt look at what i was spelling

2004-07-09 [amyleewolf14]: suuuuuuure... lol... but its not too much of a big deal...

2004-07-09 [greekgirlfriend]: k

2004-07-10 [Pluto]: yay for killing.

2004-07-10 [greekgirlfriend]: lol ..... yay to slow and painful torcher

2004-07-10 [amyleewolf14]: ri-ight...

2004-07-10 [amyleewolf14]: yay for slow painful torture and then hearing their screams...

2004-07-10 [greekgirlfriend]: wow ..... im impresed ..... and shocked that you said that ..... wow ..... but your right

2004-07-10 [amyleewolf14]: *takes a bow*.... what, did u think i was completely innocent? i can think of several ways to torture the ppl i hate *coughs jimmy*

2004-07-10 [greekgirlfriend]: yeah but to see you pull it off will be quite amazing .... with all the blood i mean

2004-07-10 [amyleewolf14]: yeah... that would be amazing... but i think i could do it if it was jimmy... cuz i dont give a rats ass about him... i hate him more than anything on this planet (including spiders).... so yes, i think i could do it....

2004-07-10 [amyleewolf14]: *grins evilly* i think chris would b of some help too... considering im kinda small and weak, i need chris to hold him down...

2004-07-10 [greekgirlfriend]: lol

2004-07-10 [amyleewolf14]: lol... *gets defensive and kinda whiny* wha?

2004-07-10 [amyleewolf14]: i didnt do it!

2004-07-10 [greekgirlfriend]: oooooook ..... of cours you didnt do it b/c im the one who always does it

2004-07-10 [amyleewolf14]: yep!................ wait..... no u dont! lol...

2004-07-10 [greekgirlfriend]: yes i do everything

2004-07-10 [amyleewolf14]: nu uh.... ur not a porn star!..... *cough*..... lol.... so u dont do everything....

2004-07-10 [greekgirlfriend]: i take afens to that ..... sensitive subject ..... you should no that

2004-07-10 [amyleewolf14]: im sorry... i didnt mean it like that....

2004-07-10 [greekgirlfriend]: well it came out like that

2004-07-10 [amyleewolf14]: i was just giving an example of what ur not..... ut not a dog either....

2004-07-10 [amyleewolf14]: i was just giving an example of what ur not..... ur not a dog either....

2004-07-10 [amyleewolf14]: so im sorry....

2004-07-10 [greekgirlfriend]: k w/e

2004-07-10 [amyleewolf14]: k......... and dont w/e me young lady who just happens to b older than me!

2004-07-10 [greekgirlfriend]: lol ... k ... w/e

2004-07-10 [amyleewolf14]: grrr *pouts*

2004-07-10 [greekgirlfriend]: cry me a river ..... build me a brigde ..... and get over it

2004-07-10 [amyleewolf14]: if i had that stuff that alice (from alice in wonderland) had, i really could cry a river... might build a bridge... and then most likely fall through cuz it'll b my first time building a bridge, and i suck at everything if its my first time (chris doesnt think so, but lets not go there).... so the getting over it wont happen...

2004-07-10 [greekgirlfriend]: ooooooooook ..... w/e ..... ^_^..... you could always go over the sky way brigde ^_^

2004-07-10 [amyleewolf14]: *screams*........ NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i hate that bridge... i hate it... i hate it.... i hate it.... TOO HIGH UP!!!

2004-07-11 [greekgirlfriend]: yes high is good ..... me like high ..... me also like bridges and kiities and puppys and apple joice and katanas and knives and black and blood and tourcher and hering people scream from that torcher ..... sounds fun ..... pritty blood

2004-07-11 [amyleewolf14]: wow.... kitties and puppies to black, blood, and torture.... biggie difference..... yeah.... me like torture for certain ppls..... *grins evilly*...... someone has no more balls when im done with him....

2004-07-11 [f8cfaf3]: <img://>

2004-07-11 [f8cfaf3]: <img://>


2004-07-11 [greekgirlfriend]: lol ..... to [amyleewolf14]

2004-07-11 [amyleewolf14]: huh?....... what the hell man? ......

2004-07-11 [amyleewolf14]: uh, if ur not a member, no advertisements on this page! and if u r a member, u cant kill other members! thats y they're on the ppl who should LIVE page.....

2004-07-11 [greekgirlfriend]: ^_^ lol

2004-07-11 [amyleewolf14]: *gets defensive* whaaa? its true!

2004-07-11 [greekgirlfriend]: it is ..... but i deleted it so problem gone

2004-07-11 [amyleewolf14]: kk.... thankies....

2004-07-11 [greekgirlfriend]: welcome ^_^

2004-07-12 [amyleewolf14]: note to eca: coolies on the editing

2004-07-12 [greekgirlfriend]: oooooook ..... thankies ^_^

2004-07-12 [greekgirlfriend]: im thinking about adding another link thing ..... a place where people can tell how they will kill anyone on there list ..... its going to be called "everyone should die torcher chamber" ..... but i cant spell so did i spell it right or not

2004-07-13 [amyleewolf14]: that'd be awesome actually....

2004-07-13 [amyleewolf14]: and yes, for once in your life, you spelled something right.... *applauds*.... good job....

2004-07-13 [greekgirlfriend]: *wipes away tear* wow ..... i feel so special ..... yeah right

2004-07-13 [greekgirlfriend]: ok new site is up ^_^

2004-07-13 [greekgirlfriend]: ok people we need some convo in this wiki so if you even wirte a hi thats good

2004-07-13 [gunless bullet]: just trow 50000000 a boms on the world first put the other animals on another plantes and destroy earth with the woile fucking human cool idee ^.^

2004-07-13 [greekgirlfriend]: kind off ..... to boring ..... there is no enjoyment in that plan what so ever

2004-07-14 [amyleewolf14]: btw: u spelled write wrong.... just to tell ya know... sry... its a spelling perfectionist thing....

2004-07-14 [amyleewolf14]: *hums jeopardy song to pass time*....

2004-07-14 [greekgirlfriend]: *glairs*

2004-07-14 [amyleewolf14]: its spelled glares.... *glares back* how many times i gotta tell ya that?............. *looks away and goes back to humming*

2004-07-15 [greekgirlfriend]: *just stands there trying to deside how to react*

2004-07-15 [amyleewolf14]: lol

2004-07-19 [metallickittycat]: ZZzzZzZzzzzZzz....^-.-^....ZZzZzZzzZzZzzZ "as the active valcano finishes its fury it falls asleep... this has been a documetry on short tempers of cat people, thank you for watching and gooodby. watch next time"......continues dream...

2004-07-19 [greekgirlfriend]: ooooooooook ..... lol ..... ^_^

2004-07-19 [greekgirlfriend]: sooooo did anyone have any good dreams lately ^_^

2004-07-19 [metallickittycat]: i drempt i was a dictator of the world and i had enuff money o buy weapons and stuff to torture my enimys with...i tortures,maimed and destoyed chelsea steinke first....*grins happily*

2004-07-19 [greekgirlfriend]: was that an actual dream *eyes you suspisously*

2004-07-23 [amyleewolf14]: lol

2004-07-23 [amyleewolf14]: i had a dream..... it wasnt a very nice dream.... it was about bein stabbed by jimmy.... but then i woke up at 9 after goin to bed at 5.... so i went back to sleep and dreamt of me and chris doin stuff that involved havin no adults around...... if u ppl know what i mean.....

2004-07-23 [greekgirlfriend]: yes i no what you mean ..... you drempt that ..... wow

2004-07-23 [amyleewolf14]: kk..... which dream? i had 2 ya know... the 1st or 2nd dream?

2004-07-23 [greekgirlfriend]: both

2004-08-02 [amyleewolf14]: lol.... yes i dreamt that...... me dream really weird things..... my last dream was about goofin off with some friends and a wrestler.......

2004-08-03 [greekgirlfriend]: my dream .....i was playing with Zoe and another dog .... then it goes black for a split second and i see Zoe and the other dog dead ..... i look up and there is this guy staring at me like O.O with a bloody knife in his hand .... then i woke up ^_^

2004-08-04 [amyleewolf14]: interesting... and i thought i had weird dreams....

2004-08-06 [greekgirlfriend]: lol ..... when i have i dream it is a nightmare and nothing else and they usually scare me half to death

2004-08-06 [amyleewolf14]: ah i c..... thats how i used to be... its not like that anymore thanks to chris... which i seem to like this alot better.... me no likey nightmares....

2004-08-06 [amyleewolf14]: ANYWAYS.....

2004-08-06 [greekgirlfriend]: lol

2004-08-06 [amyleewolf14]: *taps gently on champagne glass filled with blood with a butter knife* I'd like to make an announcement!! I have a new wiki... It just has short stories and excerpts from my book and characters i made up on it... that kind of stuffage... feel free to check it out... its amyleewolf14's stories and characters.....

2004-08-06 [amyleewolf14]: currently it only has characters cuz its under construction but u get the point... i just started it so w/e.... go look if ya want...

2004-08-09 [amyleewolf14]: There's been a change on the previous comment..... up there ^.... yeah.... it's not amyleewolf14's stories and characters anymore.... it's now 2 seperate wikis...... seen below.... yeah... that's all.... *walks away*

2004-08-13 [Lioness123]: do you people in this wiki seriously believe that everyone should die...??

2004-08-13 [mbdf_virus]: not realy...........

2004-08-13 [greekgirlfriend]: kind of, yes. At least most people should..... A class 3 hurican is going to hit ^_^ im so happy

2004-08-13 [amyleewolf14]: lmao... excuse her... shes weird and likes storms..... but yeah... not everyone should die but as she said, most ppl should.... leave us with our friends and were happy, but other than that the world can die...

2004-08-28 [amyleewolf14]: ANYWAYS.... Y DOESNT NEONE WRITE IN HERE NEMORE???

2004-08-28 [amyleewolf14]: WTH?!?!?!

2004-08-28 [greekgirlfriend]: calme down ..... but that is a good point

2004-08-29 [amyleewolf14]: everyone like disowned this wiki... what happened???????

2004-08-29 [mbdf_virus]: it might be better if the pictures went at the end of this wiki

2004-09-24 [mbdf_virus]: is neone here!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?1

2004-09-25 [greekgirlfriend]: maybe

2004-09-25 [mbdf_virus]: *debates whether to leave this possibly empty wiki and go somewhere else*

2004-09-26 [greekgirlfriend]: its up to you but its not that empty

2004-09-27 [mbdf_virus]: yeah..... 2.5 isnt too empty

2004-09-27 [greekgirlfriend]: lol

2004-09-27 [mbdf_virus]: eragh.... ...... ...... ..... what to do?...... o wait i know

2004-09-28 [greekgirlfriend]: ?

2004-10-05 [amyleewolf14]: huh? *wakes up*.... who did what? oh sry... theres this thing some ppl like to call sleep, and seeing as i'm a night owl.... goodmorning to those who say it is night.... leave me be... im in a weird mood again...

2004-10-05 [mbdf_virus]: ookay..

2004-10-05 [greekgirlfriend]: your just wierd period amylee ^_^ .....and its about time you said something here

2004-10-09 [amyleewolf14]: oh shush... lol... but ur right... i am weird... all the time... but w/e... sry... havent been on et in ages...

2004-10-09 [greekgirlfriend]: so I've noticed .... whats up with that .... have you forgoten this place or what

2004-10-10 [amyleewolf14]: no... havent really been online in general... and when i am im trying to work on other things... like my frickin story/ story chars for example... *cough cough*

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